Hey,This is my AS Media blog! I am going to be posting all my work we do on here, and I'm really enjoying the course so far! Thanks for reading! Alex x


I Am Legend analysis

Our task was to analyse a film opening of our choice and think about the way that the director has achieved different atmospheres. We tried a few film analysis' in class together, then we were set our own one to do. I thought about what film that I thought had a good and interesting opening to analyse and decided 'I Am Legend' had an interesting chase scene but without choosing something obvious to analyse such as romances and horrors because a lot of them are very similar. It took me about 20 watches and pauses of the video before i knew what i could write, and then I print-screened all the interesting scenes and began to analyse them.

Heres the final Analysis! :


andy wallis said...

Alex - this is a reasonable attempt at analysing the opening sequence of this film. You pay close attention to the meaning(s) that are conveyed through the use of mise-en-scene, especially in relation to costume, facial expressions, and location. And you also pay attention to the use of sound.

One thing that you do need to focus on in the future is explaining what kind of shots are used and why. I would advise you to really familiarise with all the different types of camera angles (there are resources relating to this on the main Ringwood Media blog). Also examine how editing creates meaning. Once you have done this, it will assist you when embarking upon the main task of the Foundation Portfolio and also when analysing TV Drama.

Well done

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